Notes for Human centred design

The Changing Role of the Designer: Practical Human-Centered Design

  1. Focus on the people
  2. We solve the real underline problem. Why is that symptom there. We can find something so fundamental that symptom goes away
  3. Everything is a system
  4. Deal with people. Prototyping/testing/iterating/improving/modify

How to we do that?

  1. Watch, observe what the problem. Understand do the activities and what’s important
  2. Think about what the issues really are. Work with people to understand the underline issues
  3. Sure to recover the system that people who were involved with different issues
  4. Build prototype and test the understand

In the real world

  1. time/budget/resource
  2. Build something rapidly and give it to people, you will learn a lot how are they interacting with it

Community Based Design

