Note for Top 5 UI/UX Design [Trends] Tips


User friendly search

  1. Predicted result (good developers)
  2. Not leave the blank area alone (good designers). Can show the most frequent request of the platform and history of previous request

Simple Navigation

Simple rule: if you application’s navigation consists of five or less sections, then move the sections to the top bar instead of using Hamburger menu as old fashion design. Reduce the steps for users to reach the goal

Designing Tables

Use the entire table for the core area, in complex table the context can quickly get lost. Best solution: fix the zone of the column headers

Noob’s designers vs. good designers

The ability to make a website responsive. Check the design in every devices

  • The size of headings and texts
  • Inden between the blocks
  • Choose the right format for the photo and video contents
  • Simplify the structure for complex sections without losing data (Sliding menu)

Swimming Eyes

Ask for advice and revise




Written by 懶懶的蘭卡卡


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